Tools for Finding Top Dropshipping Products For Your Store

Dropshipping Products research

The key to a successful dropshipping business is simple and easy – What to sell online. No matter if you are new to dropshipping service or an experienced chap, the key is important. You should always know what your customers are liking and if you are giving them exactly the same.

You are doing exactly what other dropshippers are doing. So what makes you different? the competition is cutthroat in the ecommerce business and to ensure your win, you need the help of tools. With the help of the dropshipping product finder, you can find winning niche products.

In this blog, we will learn about 7 best dropshipping research tools that will help you find the top and best products.

Introduction to Product Research Tool

As our general search begins with a Search Engine, similarly, every business needs a personal search engine. A product research tool will find niche dropshipping products and trending products. These tools will scan the sellers to know about the product selection. They also find if any product has been sold multiple times in a specific time frame.

These tools will save you a lot of time as they will do all the work for you. All you have to do is import products to sell. The next step is to upload the products with images, product descriptions, and shipping costs.

With the help of these tools, you will not become impulsive in selecting products. These tools will give you the right selection and pick of trending products.

What is the Need to Use a Product Research Tool?

According to the forecast, ecommerce sales will reach $8.1 trillion by the end of 2024. These numbers are growing every year which means that more products will be in the market. With such intense competition, the best dropshipping product research tool comes in handy.

Many successful dropship suppliers leverage the use of product research tools to help them make informed decisions. These decisions help the suppliers in product sourcing and scaling their business.

Let’s understand how some of the best free product research tools will help you as business owners.

Search Different Products During Product Sourcing

Numerous dropshipping entrepreneurs dedicate substantial time to product sourcing, a crucial aspect of profitability. Yet, this endeavor can be time-consuming. A versatile dropshipping product research tool streamlines sourcing by scanning multiple items simultaneously, facilitating the creation of comprehensive lists of promising products.

Screen Multiple Marketplaces

Even if your target market is solely in the US, it’s beneficial to gauge the performance of products. Being prepared for potential expansion is crucial. Product research tools facilitate this process.

Scanning international markets aids in generating new product concepts for your local market. Amassing comprehensive data on product performance across various markets is invaluable. Successful dropshipping ventures recognize the significance of such data, guiding decisions on product selection and regional expansion.

Easy Competition Survey

It is always fun to have a good competition against your business. You should always learn to examine your competitors irrespective of the size of your business. You should know what kinds of research tools they are using to find winning niche products.

The product research tools surely help you in scanning the products that are popular in the market. They also determine that they are available and are actually selling. Going through the competitor’s product research tools, you will know the rating and selling frequency of a specific product.

Clearly Defining Profit and Expenses

The product research tool offers an estimate of your profits and expenses. You might be attracted towards the high sale priced items but you need to look at the gross profit too.

The money required to set up a physical store is more as compared to a dropshipping store.

The cost comes up in source products, running the website, and marketing of the same. The plus point is that the inventory management is handled by the supplier.

Cost-Effective All-Rounder Tool

Although there are many ecommerce product research tools, each tool seems to be the right one. Some tools are free while some come with a monthly fee. The question persists which one should we use for the best result?

To answer that, we give you the 7 best product research tools for dropshipping to choose from.

7 Best Product Research Tools for Dropshipping.



Ecomhunt offers a curated selection of product research for dropshipping. It provides members with valuable insights and advantages over free users. Each product listing includes images, profits, costs, saturation analysis, analytics, Facebook ad ideas, social engagement tips, buyer reviews, and audience targeting suggestions.

Additional resources like training guides, webinars, and a supportive community enhance the platform’s value. With pricing plans ranging from free with limited features to paid options starting at $29 per month. Ecomhunt caters to various user needs, making it a comprehensive and valuable tool for dropshipping businesses.

Niche Scraper

Niche Scraper is a valuable SaaS tool for dropshippers. It helps ecommerce stores as a Shopify product research tool. This works for WooCommerce too and the 4 key features include:

Product Scraper: Offers insights on trendy products from Shopify stores and AliExpress. It gives data on sales trends, difficulty levels, and more, aiding in decision-making.

Hand Picked: Provides a curated list of product research for Shopify dropshipping. It simplifies product selection for testing on Shopify stores.

Store Analysis: It allows spying on Shopify stores. It offers insights like best-selling products, traffic data, and sales estimates for strategic market entry.

Video Ad Maker: Enables the creation of ad videos using simple images, music, and text, enhancing marketing efforts.

Pricing Plans: Niche Scraper offers Free and Pro memberships. For Pro members, it gives full access to all features without limitations. An Annual Pro Membership offers a 60% discount for those opting for yearly payments.

AliExpress Dropshipping Center

AliExpress Dropshipping Center is another tool that helps in finding winning products. It serves as an online retail platform that connects suppliers with customers. They give affordable rates and a safe buying environment, particularly for dropshipping businesses.

The platform simplifies dropshipping with its tool, AliExpress Dropshipping Center, providing two key functionalities at no cost.

The first tool helps in high-quality product research. This features hot-selling products, image search, and sponsored product listings. While exploring trending product databases, using Google Trends and Keyword Planner helps with regional demand.

The second tool offers product data analysis, allowing users to input AliExpress product URLs and view detailed sales data. However, note that this data represents a single product and may vary among suppliers.

AliExpress Dropshipping Center is free to use, making it an accessible resource for free dropshipping suppliers and business owners.



Allfactor, an Ecommerce competitive analytics platform, aggregates vast data from various channels like Shopify, Walmart, and Amazon. It offers insights to monitor competitors, identify trends, and optimize product offerings. While not exclusive to dropshipping, it aids dropshippers in spotting trends and refining marketing strategies.

The pricing plan starts at $19 per user per month. This includes unlimited access to data across multiple categories and channels. Over 1.3 million top Shopify stores currently benefit from Allfactor’s services.

Dropship Spy

dropship spy

Dropship Spy is a valuable software that monitors product performance across various platforms. This minimizes the need for extensive research by store owners. It’s particularly beneficial for novice dropshippers, providing insights into winning and promising products across different niches.

The product finder offers a wide range of items, while detailed analytics aid in decision-making regarding product selection. The pricing plan offered is $20 per month.

Dropship Spy offers supplier information, including feedback scores, product ratings, and pricing. Its engagement rating assesses social media performance, aiding in product selection. Free advertising resources ease content creation, while the Facebook audience builder assists in crafting targeted ads. Access to sales reports from eBay and Amazon enhances market research.

The Instagram influencer database provides valuable insights for advertising. Additionally, users can download and embed product reviews from various platforms onto their websites. Overall, Dropship Spy equips dropshippers with valuable tools and data to optimize their businesses.



FindNiche is a niche analytics tool customized for Shopify and AliExpress users. With access to data from millions of products, niches, and Shopify stores, it offers valuable insights.

The key features include big data analysis, daily updates, robust filtering options, and product trend identification. While it lacks a specific “dropshipping” filter, it remains a valuable resource for niche inspiration and product selection. P

Pricing options range from a free tier with limited queries to pro plans. Free trial extensions are available through referral rewards. Having a strong product research tool allows you to search over the dropshipping supplier’s directory.


Intelligynce is a set of tools for dropshippers. It helps them research and find profitable products. It looks at over 2.5 million items from 500,000 Shopify stores and also checks products on Amazon and eBay. You can search for products and stores on Shopify.

There’s also a Google Chrome Extension for easy browsing. Another tool, Ali Inspector, helps find top-selling items on AliExpress. The Store Inspector gives details about any store. Intelligynce offers different pricing plans: $39 per month, $79 per year, or $99 for a lifetime subscription.


Bringing the blog to an end, here we have 7 dropshipping research tools that will help you make your decision. The tools that we have explained will help you in the correct product research that will bring a good RTI.

These tools will help in making substantial profits in dropshipping as they do most of the leg work. After all, you need to put in the best for your dropshipping business success.

Finding Top Dropshipping Products FAQs

Are there any specific tools that help identify products with higher profit potential?

Yes, tools like Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and AMZScout provide data-driven insights to identify products with higher profit potential in the dropshipping market.

What role does data analytics play in helping us make informed decisions about product selection?

Data analytics enables us to analyze market trends, customer preferences, and sales performance, providing valuable insights that inform strategic product selection, maximizing profitability and customer satisfaction.

Are there tools that provide insights into product trends and seasonal variations?

Yes, tools like Google Trends, SEMrush, and Helium 10 offer valuable insights into product trends and seasonal variations, helping businesses make informed decisions.

How can dropshipping product research tools help us stay ahead of the competition in the ecommerce market?

Dropshipping product research tools provide insights into market trends, competition analysis, and product demand, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and stay competitive in the dynamic ecommerce landscape.

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